Procrastination, short-termism and decline

While most corporations remain focused on short-term profits procrastination, and failure to embrace the changes needed, will still dominate leading to an inevitable decline in the economy, the environment and civilisation, as we understand it, the continuation of which we are constantly experiencing.

Even with the evidence of the huge earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand in 2011, following on from the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 and the devastating 2011 floods in eastern Australia, concern still is focused primarily on the economy and the financial interests of global corporations, rather than the planet as a whole. 

Although the economy is important we cannot afford to neglect everything else.  We need to mange for a ‘balanced portfolio’.

This Futures Update explains how sustainability can increase both your produvctivity and profitability.  It is increasingly important that we all learn how to be more productive without incuring costs to future generations.


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