What useful advice can we give to busy leaders who often need to make important business or organizational decisions in the face of uncertainty, conflicting interests and large consequences?
Read MoreIn this Article, I argue that if you are not growing as a leader you will be shrinking and sinking - treading water seems best left to sitting ducks.
Read MoreTrust in our institutions and organizations is in freefall. Humans haven't stopped trusting, but the nature of that trust has become more dispersed and it is proving a major disruptor to commerce and society.
Read MoreThe trust challenge for leaders is threefold. We need others to trust us and our leadership in order to gain their informal authorization and avoid command and control management.
Read MoreIn this practical article I explore my Three Influence Steps based on respect, discovery and shaping. i also distinguish influencing from manipulating.
Read MoreLet's examine the forest of change that is currently occurring in business and society, and let's go looking for maps, satellites or a compass.
Read MoreAttached is an Introduction to the book Leadership On Top: How Managers and Others Become Leaders, published by Vivid Publishing in 2016.
Read MoreThe urgency to enable generative dialogue, productive collaboration and deep reflection is needed right now to explore the connections between futures and scenario thinking and practice and capitalism - particularly the study of the human and social dimensions of climate change through the arts and the humanities as creative self-destruction.
Read MoreMargaret Thatcher once famouslyboasted that "this lady is not for turning". Plenty of her fellow warrior leaders are still roaming the corridors of modern companies and organisations, and the style has become popular again in American Presidents, but they are now competing with a new species - the innovators. Increasingly, organisations are looking for leaders who have strong and flexible minds and who are creative and changeable.
Read MoreLet's do some cognitive work together, and depending on your disposition, we can try to figure out how we humans got into the fine mess we currently occupy and how we are going to get out of it, or we can marvel at our accomplishments and wonder where they will take us next!
Read MoreIn an age when the innovators are giving the elbow to the warriors, and when organisations need to be adaptive, collaborative and inventive if they are to survive and perform well, what is the role of commitment?
Read MoreMy new book "Leadership on Top: How Managers and Others Become Leaders" has just been published. The book is available in paperback and as an ebook from all the major global online retailers as well.
Read MoreDoes leadership require us to be a better person? I believe it does - that it is a value-laden activity that does require us to accept new responsibilities and to be bigger than our regularly self-absorbed self.
Read MoreIn this Article I argue that leadership is about achieving goals and that my test for true leadership is that it has an impact which is beneficial.
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