Key Features

4 or 3 days in length

For Senior Managers

Presented by Amanda Sinclair & Richard Searle


This Workshop is typically 4 or 3 Days in length and targeted at senior managers. It is presented by Amanda Sinclair and Richard Searle.  The Workshop takes a similar approach to leadership as described in the previous section but it also explores the theory and practice of mindfulness.  Mindfulness brings a powerful new dimension to leadership and promotes both effectiveness and wellbeing. Workshop participants will engage in meditation, yoga and relaxation practices alongside the other more formal learning sessions.

Mindfulness is the practice of relaxing and paying attention.  For many senior managers their attention during the hectic working day is either scattered or captured, and this undermines both their effectiveness and their sense of wellbeing. Mindful leaders are continually refreshed and perform at their peak by paying attention in a focused or open way which is not filtered by habitual or automatic judgements, opinions, evaluations, comparisons or interpretations. Lots of benefits flow from this form of leadership.

Mindfulness helps leaders to reduce their stress levels and it provides a far healthier way than excessive eating, alcohol, or irritability, to deal with the inevitable stresses of senior management. Mindfulness helps senior managers to reduce their “excessive and repetitive thinking” which drives stress and which can keep them awake in the middle of the night. Mindfulness helps managers to recognise some of the more reactive, controlling or needy aspects of their egos, and to let them go if they are undermining their success in work relationships or commitments. Mindfulness helps managers to discover that still place inside themselves where they can access qualities such as personal courage, insight, and creativity which are so useful for leadership. And mindfulness helps managers to clarify and connect to their purpose in being a leader in the first place.

The Mindful Leadership Program is refreshing, powerful and very joyful. Read a Review of Amanda's book "Leading Mindfully".