Leadership Insight Dialogue is an exciting and innovative leadership development method which does not rely primarily on traditional approaches such as lectures, psychological feedback instruments or simulations.
Developed by Richard Searle and colleagues, it allows you to go "faster and deeper" in developing the leadership capacity of senior managers.
“Leadership Insight Dialogue (L.I.D) is all about taking the lid off the secrets to effective and fulfilling leadership.”
The 7 Elements of Leadership Insight Dialogue
Not just a way to develop leaders, but also a way to exercise leadership inside businesses and organisations in order for them to realise their purpose, execute their strategies and achieve their performance goals.
The Leadership Insight Dialogue method is proven and has been used for ten years at the best business school in Australia, with thousands of senior managers from some of the most impressive companies and organisations in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific Region. The method has also been used successfully in the leadership development work of management education consultancy Leaders and Searle.
The method is based on Dialogue, which is used in its strict sense of speaking and listening, but also is used in a broader sense of how people communicate, relate, problem solve and create together. The method is based on insight, which can be promoted by theory, but which is derived from participants’ own direct experience.
These insights are the prerequisite for leadership Actions which will bring about Change for the better both at a personal and organisational level.