‘Limits to Growth’ versus ‘No Limits to Growth’
The ‘Limits to Growth’ argument is very strong and well founded given that it is originally based on the findings of the Club of Rome, over 30 years ago, that there are only ‘finite resources’ available to satisfy the world’s ever demanding needs and hungers.
The ‘No Limits to Growth’ argument is equally well founded and is based on the argument of the ‘infinite resources’ of the human mind.
Both are plausible.
‘Limits to Growth’ will occur if current organisational and governmental doctrines continue unabated. If we continue to run our societies and economies as we have been doing, we will head towards environmental and civilizational catastrophe.
‘No Limits to Growth’ is plausible if we are able to shift our paradigm of government, enterprise and the environment “to envision and then construct a planetary civilization totally committed to enabling the self-actualization of every single human being on the planet” as argued by Tsvi Bisk (World Future Review, Spring 2012).
Limits to Growth |
No Limits to Growth |
Food and Water availability Arable land availability Petroleum depletion Dearth of ‘Master Welders’ Civil Engineers, Mining engineers The false promise of coal Natural resources depletion Wind and Tidal Middle-Class Revolution |
Vertical Farming “Rewilding” of the plant Smart materials (thermoelectric, piezoelectric LEDS Parasitic energy harvesting Superlight materials (Buckyballs or Buckypaper) Carbon Nanotubes Algae Electric cars Liberation and empowerment of women |
Bisk’s paper is well worth reading and you can find it here.